What is NLP?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
We all have negative experiences,  make mistakes, and have setbacks.  It is part of life.  Every time this happens, we can attach fear and negativity to these experiences which are known as neural connections or associations.  These negative beliefs  can start to control and dictate our thinking patterns, emotional states,  actions and behaviors which can create chaos and imbalance in your quality of life.  Doubt, fear, worry, and anxiety will sabotage any attempt you make to be your authentic and successful self.  

However, the origin of these patterns usually comes from negative programming instilled at a very young age, and your mind has been programmed to repeat these patterns over and over.  Science is now confirming that we have the power to change and replace our negative neural associations with positive, supportive associations by detaching the negative energy from our fear.  NLP, or Neuro Lingusitic Programming, is a system of methods and techniques that can be used to help you overcome challenges, emotional issues and  negative belief patterns, and in turn, help you gain clarity, boost your self confidence and take control of your life to achieve ultimate success.
What is NLP?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
We all have negative experiences,  make mistakes, and have setbacks.  It is part of life.  Every time this happens, we can attach fear and negativity to these experiences which are known as neural connections or associations.  These negative beliefs  can start to control and dictate our thinking patterns, emotional states,  actions and behaviors which can create chaos and imbalance in your quality of life.  Doubt, fear, worry, and anxiety will sabotage any attempt you make to be your authentic and successful self.  

However, the origin of these patterns usually comes from negative programming instilled at a very young age, and your mind has been programmed to repeat these patterns over and over.  Science is now confirming that we have the power to change and replace our negative neural associations with positive, supportive associations by detaching the negative energy from our fear.  NLP, or Neuro Lingusitic Programming, is a system of methods and techniques that can be used to help you overcome challenges, emotional issues and  negative belief patterns, and in turn, help you gain clarity, boost your self confidence and take control of your life to achieve ultimate success.
NLP  Sessions
How Does It Work?
 NLP (or Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is just a big name for how your mind is mirrored in the outside world. We all have an internal model or map of our Unconscious Mind that is unique to each of us.   The Unconscious Mind is where you store all of your memories, and is the source of where your every behavior stems.  It is also the place where you have the power to change any and all of it, you just have to know how to access and navigate your map, and understand the language of your own internal model of the world.
For example, you consciously  may have a desire to make a change, but if your Unconscious decided at some point there was a benefit for you to stay the exact same (based on past programming), it is so powerful that it will actually make sure you continue to approach life in ways that you get the exact same results you have already been receiving!  This is a great example of why dieting rarely works, and why addictions are often so difficult to break.  At Rise Healing, we like to refer to NLP as a "Newly Learned Perception".  We help teach your Unconscious Mind a new language by helping you shift your perception of past experiences so you can create a better future for yourself.

Common Conditions & Issues Treated
Conditions Include:
  •  Anxiety, phobias, and panic 
  •  Communication issues 
  •  Post-traumatic stress 
  •  Sleep Issues & Insomnia 
  •  Depression 
  •  Attention-deficit hyperactivity 
  •  Addictions 
  •  Relationships & Sexual Issues 
  •  Feeling "Stuck" in Life 
  •  Lack of Success 
  •  Obsessions and compulsions

What Happens In A Session?
Once you have made consideration on the calendar, we will go through some very simple steps.
  • We first identify what it is you want to change. It can be very specific like no longer raiding the pantry at midnight, or it could be something that feels very heavy like the effects of past trauma. It can even be the desire to achieve more success, or the undesired emotions of feeling "stuck" in the same ways all the time. 
  • Once we identify the change, we then get very specific about the change or your desired outcome.  The more specific you can be about what you want, the easier it will be for me to help bring you there. 
  • When we have identified how your unique internal model works, how certain life experiences have been stored in a way that is unhelpful, and how it has been attracting some things in life but repelling others, we can then go in and mold it to get the change you are looking for. This part of the process is the super fun part!  You will engage in visualization techniques,  and be using your imagination while I talk to you quite a bit.  I can assure you what we will not be doing is talking about your pain and misery for hours. NLP is all about the "upper levels of the game" so to speak.  Crying in misery, pain and reliving the past isn't necessary to get the result you are wanting. You should feel empowered by the time you leave and as you go about your daily life the shift you just created for yourself will start to unfold a much better reality for you! 
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DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your doctor.
There may be variations in treatment that your doctor may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
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